Tuesday, July 11, 2006

#48 - Completed

Number 48 on my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days was, "Not use my mobile phone for a whole week (7 days = 168 hours)." Well as some of you may have noticed I was a little hard to get a hold of - Risky even went so far as to leave an excessively profane yet humourous message - at least I was laughing even if he wasn't - on my voice mail on the last day (yesterday). Actually it was kinda nice to not have one electronic leash on for a whole week. As it relates to organizing and da revolution, I often wonder what life was like before MSN, Gmail, e-mail, listserves, news groups, message boards, cell phones, text messaging, chatting, faxing and morse code...are we really more plugged in or are we unplugging from RL (real life)? Certainly organizing the last lil shindig I participated in was made easier by e-mail, but there's also something irreplacable about live, human contact. At the very least, I recommend unplugging as often as you can and connecting with real, live flesh and blood peeps - ironic to make such a statement on my BLOG, I know. btw, imo :p lol, lmao, ttyl

dubya dubya dubya


Anonymous said...

You didn't use yours but you used T-bags on Thursday night, so it is technically still on the list as far as I am concerned. (BTW I wish is was 6 months down the road for me too)

Na'cha'uaht said...

If we're gonna get technical about it....lol, it does say, "my" mobile phone...I'm satisfied...Cilla you're always tough on the true believers/rebels/and otherwise for the most part uncompromising black and whiters, but I guess we ask for it eh? ;-)