Thursday, May 25, 2006

As the Nation Turns

I'm not sure if I find it funny or disturbing that more people were curious about my blind date than a recently posted poll saying that Canadians wanna unleash the hounds (police, paramilitary, military) on us po' lil Indians. Probably both. In retrospect, I realize that perhaps I DID show a little too much W-shoulder in the blindfold picture...haha. What can I say, I had just hopped out of the shower and it was a last-minute inspired moment to do a lil self portrait, seeing as how this was the first time I had ever gone on such an occasion. It turns out it was not as blind as I thought. I ended up having sushi and lively conversation with a highschool penpal from back when you were just a loaf of bread. I will respect my dinner companion's privacy and leave it at that :p

Meanwhile, back in the rain forest...

Yes, 60% of your fellow, friendly (ahem) CANADIANS would much rather the whole Six Nations Reclamation at Caledonia thing go away through the use of FORCE. Is it just me or do the world renowned peacekeeping nationals occupying our lands get cranky when they can't get to Tim Horton's as quickly as they used to? Come to think of it, I can think of one Indian in particular, who orders 2 XL triple triples on her insanely long commute to work! For the record, I have not actually seen her grumpy, in fact she smiles and laughs just a little too much for my liking (jk), but as far as I can tell she's a peaceful woman. Perhaps the Canadians actually feel guilty and are trying to cover up their living off the avails of crimes against humanity by lashing out (you know how actual people in your life/home/workplace do that when they feel guilty or cornered?)

What do you really think? Indulge me.


Rivers said...

Dubya, your just a grumpy old ndn who likes to bring others down with all this "relaimation" and "force" and yata yata yata. Why does this ndn have to be like every other ndn out there and be all angery and happy. I mean like c'mon, you get to go on dates, eat sushi, not pay taxes! You should be happy, not angery. For christ sakes!

lol, on a notter note: Glad to hear the date when well, I was rooting for you.

Anonymous said...

60% huh? I am not surprised; we can talk about "peaceful coexistence" all day long, but it will not come easily, and I think we will be the ones with big knots on our heads at the end of the aforementioned day. The settler society is overwhelmingly violent, and trust me, living here in the U.S., the bloodlust towards the people in Afghanistan and Iraq are good markers for what they are capable of. It is spooky...

Auk Kwaan Tlingit Territory