Tuesday, February 14, 2006

a day of romance

I have not asked anyone to be my Valentine. No one has asked me. I have no Valentine. I am Valentine-free. No one loves me. :I Haha, sorry, I just wanted to say that. On a day when my mind and heart are not muddled by the virtual-insanity that is love - I am free to talk about another kind of romance. First, I love the quote above, by Che about revolutionaries being romantic and not at all pragmatic. I am also reminded of the advice of a well-known Nuu-chah-nulth politician a few years ago. "Don't be a romantic" he urged. "Our communities cannot afford romantics."

While I had a healthy respect for his intelligence, I could not disagree more with his politics or advice. I think the money-minded pragmatists have had their share at the helm of our wayward communities. I think that precisely what we do need are romantics, visionaries, and leaders of honour and integrity that will inspire the people. Our people are starving right now. They are materially poor, many are culturally poor, socially destitute, spiritually lost and most of all they lack hope. The so-called BC treaty process does not inspire. Specific Claims do not inspire. Interim measures do not inspire. Consultation and Accomodation does not inspire. Being Canadian does not inspire.

I say we are due for a renaissance of romance and dreams and hope. Isn't it ironic that even in a society so entrenched in practical, consumerist, materialist, individualist values honours, or at least acknowledges those it has martyred - those dreamers and romantics that chose to fight the status quo and work toward the building of brighter future, and future of indpendence and freedom. I for one, have chosen my lot. A thousand times yes, I am a romantic.

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