Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I voted...for a Liberal!!! :I

I'll give you a moment to get back in your chair, and recover. Yes, it's true. W did vote last week and yes, I did just find out that I voted for a young Liberal. Allow me to explain.

It was a dark, stormy, blustery afternoon. The sea was angry that day, my friends! Ok, seriously. Friday, I and a few classmates had just been liberated from POLI 433 (Ethnic Conflict and International Security - or as I've come to affectionately know it, Why Poor Brown People Kill Each Other) and I was still high off of the adrenaline coursing through my veins due to presenting to the class. Now I don't normally get so amped about speaking publically, but our professor is a notoriously hard marker and well it was Friday to boot (I ended up getting my first B+ of the term by the way...see what I mean ]:I).

Anyway, grade-obsessing aside, as we exited the building I saw Rory approach. I recognized him from my POLI 318 (Chinese Politics) class. He had a bit of a frantic look on his face. It was about 3:30 and there was only going to be another hour or so to vote in the UVic Student Society elections and he was handing out last minute leaflets. I think he was running (as an independent) for Director of Finance. I hadn't paid the elections much mind, other than to notice that there seemed to be two distinct slates/factions about as distinguishable to an Indian as Liberals and Conservatives, or Democrats and Republicans - heck, even Chomskey and Zinn know there is very little REAL difference.

Right then and there, I decided to vote. It was something about the honest look in Rory's eyes and tone in his voice. Now, I know my long-time readers (especially fans of Kumtux), may be surprised, even a little dissapointed to hear that I, Sir Dubya voted. I will not try and rationalize it by stating that I feel these elections were of little consequence to students, much less indigenous students, or that because this was not a provincial or federal election that some Aboriginals actually think we can make a difference in. I voted because I thought Rory was a nice guy and he deserved my vote. :I

I doubt you will find this terribly interesting, other than the fact that once in awhile I like to indulge in a little self-deprecating humour and at times poke fun at my own seriousness. I'm reminded of a line from the Hagakure (and also in Jim Jarmusch's Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai), "Among the maxims on Lord Naoshige's wall there was this one: Matters of great concern should be treated lightly. Master Ittei wrote: Matters of small concern should be treated seriously."

And, it wasn't till later that I found out that Rory seems to be an aspiring Liberal. :I He didn't win, and I still think he's a nice guy.

Oh, and yes that is a sleeve of apple juice that I'm holding in the picture.


Rivers said...

First it's this, then next your running for band chief, then it's AFN regional chief, then it's UN Human Rights Committee on Indigenous peoples, then it's a nice cozy retirement as you get inducted into the Order of Canada.

My friend, I'm worried. Your moving in to a dark slippery abyss of the aboriginal industrial complex.

Remember that we love you!

Anonymous said...

I just can't get over this one W... I saw the pic, read the heading, chuckled out loud... "that W.. what a joker"... then read on to find that YOU REALLY DID VOTE!!!??? I have to admit, I was a little disturbed for the rest of the day. But I'm comforted by the fact that you felt the need to explain yourself :) Take care, and don't be pulling any more stunts like that! little B